Blessings and Magic Hidden in the Darkness

This weekend marks the Winter Solstice; the longest night of the year and the perfect time to set your intentions for the year ahead. There are blessings and magic hidden in the darkness. What dreams do you have deep down inside, where light seldom reaches? Take some time this weekend to explore that space, to allow yourself to dream the dreams that might seem impossible. There is a universal power behind the intentions that are set on the Winter Solstice. It makes it easier for your wishes to take root, grow, and flourish with the coming light. To help draw in what you most desire for the New Year light a candle for each of your intentions. At the same time take a moment to reflect on how your life has changed over the past year. Personally, my own life has shifted dramatically in terms of my business this year :) If you are not satisfied with the changes you have made over the last 365 days, do something about it! Don't wait another year, take action NOW and connect with me. Do you need help getting clear on your intentions or releasing blocks that seem to be holding you back from getting exactly what you want? Please reach out to book a session. Truly, I am here to help you!